Spring 2023 News

Still a bit cold here in central Indiana, but Spring has officially sprung ~ in fact, it’s already April! We’ve definitely been getting some April showers ~ well, actually, they’ve ben thunderous thunderstorms with wind gusts of up to 70mph! The sounds of wind and rain and thunder often evoke feelings that lead to stormy poetics and artwork from some creatives (I’m one of those types), so Spring is often a time when our creative instincts get all stirred up. After a gray-hued Winter, especially one like this past one that was fraught with a myriad of challenges (including viruses ranging from “ordinary” to COVID), an infusion of creativity feels like a blessing!

In the next several weeks, as the rainy days of Spring roll through, we’ll start to see the the sun a bit more often, and the air will get a little bit warmer. All around us, the vibrant colors of an Indiana Spring will burst forth in all the glory of a drag queen! (Yep, politically speaking, CEArts is among the organizations here in Indiana that embrace and honor the glory and diversity of human nature.) May your own creativity blossom this Spring!