For information about our arts opportunities, sign up for our emails:
- hi-res PNG or JPG images only
- Format Required for Image file names: YourName_ArtworkTitle.jpg (or .png)
- WORD doc/docx or Google docs only; do not send PDFs (except Submission Form).
- You may use ONE Word/Google doc for all written submissions; please use “page break” between EACH piece, and make sure each piece is titled with your name UNDER the title.
- Format Required for arts bio, prose, poetry, song lyric file names: YourName_Title.doc (or .docx)
- Format Required for text of prose, poetry, song lyrics:
- put “by Author Name” under titles,
- use Times New Roman 12pt, single-spaced, left-aligned (unless a poem has a visual shape).
- our default page alignment for poetry/song lyrics is CENTERED, so if you don’t want your poem/song lyric centered, please type “keep formatting” at the bottom of the poem
- If you would like to send in audio or visual recordings of songs along with your written lyrics document, please submit MP3 or MP4 files; format the files names YourName_SongTitle.mp3/mp4
- Do not use ALL CAPS for titles of poems, prose, or song lyrics.
- Do not underline titles of poems, prose, or song lyrics.
- All submissions must be your own original work; collaborations are welcome.
To submit your creative work to any of our opportunities, please follow file formatting guidelines above, and then use one of the following to submit your files:
• EMAIL Submission Form with your submission files & brief bio (3rd-person) to
• use WeTransfer (free version) to send all files (submission form, Word docs, 3rd-person bio) to
• share them in one Google Folder to (NOTE: the lowercase “g” in the “infog” part of our address).
Community • Education • Arts online FEATURED ARTIST Arts Showcase exhibits callouts:
Callout for YOUR original images, writings, dance/theatre & music for our online Arts Showcase exhibits! Each FEATURED ARTIST Showcase may last two or three months. We want YOUR original artwork (all mediums), writings (all genres), and dance/theatre or songs/instrumentals (MP4 videos or MP3 audio files) for our online exhibits! Go to the main Arts Showcase page for Submission information!
@theroundtable podcast & short videos
Join us @theroundtable for our Arts-related podcast and short-videos series! @theroundtable is our Arts-related podcast, where we discuss the Arts with writers, musicians, artists, and all kinds of creatives! Contact us via email at to be a guest!
Our podcast episodes are recorded via Zoom meetings, so we can record at YOUR convenience (almost any day/time). Podcast episodes air on @theroundtable selected Fridays at 4pm, and corresponding videos are uploaded to our YouTube Playlist.
The Polk Street Review annual deadline 01 November
Annual Callout for Submissions for The Polk Street Review
Submission categories: Prose; Poetry/Song Lyrics; Images (artwork, any medium).
Submissions with International Connection (author, artists, or subject matter) will be noted in the book with a small globe icon.
Recipes are welcome in the Prose category (yes, FOOD! Submit images with your recipes if you can!).
The annual theme is always an optional prompt. If you’ve haven’t submitted or been published in TPSR since the 2017 edition, then please use the theme prompt.
Noblesville Interdisciplinary Creativity Expo

NICE is an annual literature-based project that includes workshops throughout the summer and early Fall, and a presentations & reception event. NICE breathes new life into the classics by encouraging people to discuss the works selected, and encourages critical thinking and experimenting with creativity. Participants are encouraged to create new artwork, writings, and music/songs inspired by the four selected passages and our creative discussions. Whether or not you attend a workshop, your inspired creations may be submitted for the presentation event.
Downloadable guidelines with creative submission form available at
For more information about our annual NICE project:
Community • Education • Arts, Inc. (CEArts) is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) Arts organization with a global reach that is based in Noblesville IN .