
Song lyrics pop into my head all the time, usually when “something is happening,” and I’m struck by their applicability to the moment. Lately, the Cha-Cha-Changes theme for the online Arts Showcase Exhibit that we host here every Late Summer/Autumn has been ringing in my ears. Originally, I chose that theme because of “back to school” timing ~ each year, students of ALL ages experience changes that affect every part of their lives as they head into the next level of academia.

For the past several months, Sarah E. and I have been discussing how to best adapt to some life-changing situations in our personal lives, and so the phrase Cha-Cha-Changes has been echoing . . ..

Facing some time-limiting scenarios, we’ve reviewed “the things we love to do”. We had to ask ourselves, which CEArts events and opportunities can we actually continue to provide? That question led to other questions:

  • which opportunities consume the most of our time & effort?
  • which opportunities are viable? (ie, cost-effective: our time & effort compared to donations)
  • which opportunities are not cost-effective?
  • are there any opportunities could we update or change to make them more viable?
  • are there opportunities that we simply need to let go of?

Tough questions, because we really do love everything we do.

We don’t have all the answers yet, but look for changes in the days and weeks to come. If you have participated in our events and opportunities before, please understand that some of them (and their submissions process) may be different than in the past. We just can’t do everything “the way we always did it,” so there will be some Cha-Cha-Changes coming!

Thanks, friends!

~ Alys

Announcing our NEW annual deadline for The Polk Street Review!

Our NEW ANNUAL DEADLINE for The Polk Street Review (TPSR) submissions and advertising space is 01 NOVEMBER each year!

We are now accepting your creative submissions and advertising space buys for the 2023 edition!

Click on the links for updated our Guidelines & Submissions Form and our form for purchasing in-book advertising space! Everything you need to know about the 2023 edition of TPSR can be found here:

The Polk Street Review is a unique Noblesville-focused creative place-making project (known as TPSR Project) that includes workshops, our @theroundtable creative place-making podcast/short videos series, and the publication of an annual submissions-driven anthology. It is the only book dedicated to publishing prose, poetry, song lyrics, and images that celebrates Noblesville with a global perspective. We welcome submissions from both professional and amateur creative artists. Our annual submissions deadline is November 01. Annual editions are published each February (for example, submissions sent in by 01 Nov 2022 are published in the Feb 2023 edition). The Polk Street Review Project has received international status with submissions and followers from all over the world.

We look forward to publishing your creative works and in-book advertising!